miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

Post 9: Do schools kill creativity? - TED talks by Ken Robinson

What we can watch in the video is a talk given by Ken Robinson, where he speaks about subjects related to the creativity in the world wide educational system (but mainly in England). He said that schools try to make them students become in professors of Universities, by giving the highest importance to maths and languages, and letting humanities and arts in the bottom of the pyramid (especially arts).

The way the educational system focuses on how we can explode the natural resources makes me feel we're absolutely wrong as human race, and we should change the way the schools look at the boys and girls.

He tells the story of the choreographer of Cats and The Phantom Of The Opera when she was a child. She was really restless and her mother thought she had educational issues. Then, they discovered she actually had the spirit of a dancer, so her mother decided to put her on a school of dance. These days, probably, she'd be a girl with ADD, and she'd never become a dancer.

Post 8: A good leader that I know... BP

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (22 February 1857 – 8 January 1941), also known as B-P or Lord Baden-Powell, was a lieutenant-general in the British Army, writer, founder of the Scout Movement and first Chief Scout of The Boy Scouts Association.

I started to know him because I’ve been part of the Scout movement since I was a pre-teen.

I think he was a good leader mostly ‘cause out of nothing he created a worldwide organization that’s been alive for over one hundred years. He managed to create a method based on positives values directed to youth, also he adapted this method to different cultures, being respectful with nature, culture and even religions and ideologies of every human being. Also he showed he was a good leader when he was on the siege of Mafeking. There he used he’s intelligence to create a way to win the battle without being stronger in weapons or army, for example when he gave torches to a group of boys that changed their position to look like a big guard. That feat made him a hero in England, and gave him the name of “Impeesa” (received for the native South Africans) which means “the wolf that never sleeps”.

Post 6: A show that I saw as a child

When I was a little girl I used to watch tv with my dad and little sister, we saw a lot of TV shows like Sakura Card Captor, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, etc. But, there is a show that I loved the most and that was called “Slam Dunk”.

Slam Dunk was a Japanese show (anime) that shows the story of Hanamichi Sakuragi who has always been rejected by girls because of his temperament that gives him a bad reputation. Suddenly he meets a girl who is in love with Basket Ball, so he pretended to be a player in his school to make her love him, but after all he discover the passion for basketball and how good he is at that.
I used to watch the show every day after school at 5 or 6 pm when my dad was in home with my little sister, and we watched it all together in my mom’s bed, eating chips or something like that. We like the show because is fun, a little bit dramatic, and has action, all at the same time, and that is something that makes it different of the rest of the shows we used to watch.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Post 5: Future job

I’m studying Geography, ‘cause with this discipline I know I could make a lot of changes in the country. 

I would like to work in some government institution, specifically in urban areas with the idea of study the socio-spatial dynamics that changes a territory. Interesting thing about geography is that it gives an integrated look of the relations and styles of living of people who have inescapably spatial repercussions. 

From a "territory's planner institution" I would be able to propose ideas destined to territorial integration, in search of structural improvement, equality to the groups in the access to basic services as education, health, transport, etc. 

For that reason, working outside of an office is a fundamental part of the discipline, because the territory planification shouldn't be inside of 4 walls but in the exterior understanding the real dynamics that coexist in the city. 

As well is necessary to travel, so that way I’d be able to watch different realities compared to the one I’m used to.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Post 4: Strike

In my school the principal motivation for the strike is that we are asking for recognition of every participant of the University such as functionaries, teachers and students in the decision-making of the educational system.

We ask as well for quarterly dialogue spaces, resume several infrastructure projects in FAU (Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) including the creation of a nursing (the architecture students and the design students have to work with a lot of dangerous machines). Also we want more equality in the distribution of resources between schools, finishing the system where every school fixes its own problems by itself, and finally we want the end of the subcontract of the caretakers

I am actually not very participative of the movement, but I support and understand a lot of the demands of my schoolmates.