miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

Post 9: Do schools kill creativity? - TED talks by Ken Robinson

What we can watch in the video is a talk given by Ken Robinson, where he speaks about subjects related to the creativity in the world wide educational system (but mainly in England). He said that schools try to make them students become in professors of Universities, by giving the highest importance to maths and languages, and letting humanities and arts in the bottom of the pyramid (especially arts).

The way the educational system focuses on how we can explode the natural resources makes me feel we're absolutely wrong as human race, and we should change the way the schools look at the boys and girls.

He tells the story of the choreographer of Cats and The Phantom Of The Opera when she was a child. She was really restless and her mother thought she had educational issues. Then, they discovered she actually had the spirit of a dancer, so her mother decided to put her on a school of dance. These days, probably, she'd be a girl with ADD, and she'd never become a dancer.

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