viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Post 5: Future job

I’m studying Geography, ‘cause with this discipline I know I could make a lot of changes in the country. 

I would like to work in some government institution, specifically in urban areas with the idea of study the socio-spatial dynamics that changes a territory. Interesting thing about geography is that it gives an integrated look of the relations and styles of living of people who have inescapably spatial repercussions. 

From a "territory's planner institution" I would be able to propose ideas destined to territorial integration, in search of structural improvement, equality to the groups in the access to basic services as education, health, transport, etc. 

For that reason, working outside of an office is a fundamental part of the discipline, because the territory planification shouldn't be inside of 4 walls but in the exterior understanding the real dynamics that coexist in the city. 

As well is necessary to travel, so that way I’d be able to watch different realities compared to the one I’m used to.

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