viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Post 5: Future job

I’m studying Geography, ‘cause with this discipline I know I could make a lot of changes in the country. 

I would like to work in some government institution, specifically in urban areas with the idea of study the socio-spatial dynamics that changes a territory. Interesting thing about geography is that it gives an integrated look of the relations and styles of living of people who have inescapably spatial repercussions. 

From a "territory's planner institution" I would be able to propose ideas destined to territorial integration, in search of structural improvement, equality to the groups in the access to basic services as education, health, transport, etc. 

For that reason, working outside of an office is a fundamental part of the discipline, because the territory planification shouldn't be inside of 4 walls but in the exterior understanding the real dynamics that coexist in the city. 

As well is necessary to travel, so that way I’d be able to watch different realities compared to the one I’m used to.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Post 4: Strike

In my school the principal motivation for the strike is that we are asking for recognition of every participant of the University such as functionaries, teachers and students in the decision-making of the educational system.

We ask as well for quarterly dialogue spaces, resume several infrastructure projects in FAU (Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) including the creation of a nursing (the architecture students and the design students have to work with a lot of dangerous machines). Also we want more equality in the distribution of resources between schools, finishing the system where every school fixes its own problems by itself, and finally we want the end of the subcontract of the caretakers

I am actually not very participative of the movement, but I support and understand a lot of the demands of my schoolmates.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Post 3: Hollidays

In the last summer I went to my grandma’s house, in the south. Specify, in a little town called La Paz, in the limit between the regions of La Araucanía and Los Lagos. In bus was like 9 or 10 hour of journey. La Paz is a very peaceful place, that can be boring to many people, but not to me. Is the perfect place to get away of the noisy city.

I know La Paz since that I have a little girl and I have the lucky to know many interesting persons. One of them is “Quinino”, a old friend mine.  Quinino is a man nearly 50 years old, live in the hill and is a proud Mapuche. He shows me in many times the wonders of nature and teaches me a lot of things about it.

In this holidays I have the possibility to went with my boyfriend, Mauricio, so can say that this was a romantic travel. We enjoy the tranquility of La Paz, and he can know Quinino too. One day, we climb the Quinino’s hill, collect blackberrys and have a picnic. It was very relaxing.

In addition, Mauricio and me went to many towns and cities, like Villarrica, Valdivia, Licanray, Loncoche, inter others, and we ate a lot of tasty food.

That holidays was really cool because I can visit a place that is very important to me, and besides, I can enjoy to a lot of other beautiful places in company of my boyfriend Mauri.